People who expect a breezy love story VTV will be a treat them. A uniform engaging script and a crisper narrative could have tilted the balance completely in favor of this all love flick.
Finally a disclaimer: If and only if, you have all the time in the world, and you like the slow romantic genre, you’ll enjoy this one.
VTV- a feel (long) 'good' film!
VTV- a feel (long) 'good' film!
A very inspiring movie that proved relationship between father and son.
But, you have to be very strong hearted person to see this movie because there is some disturbing scenes
My advice : Please don't go with your girlfriend :)
What a movie!!! I think this movie should be the movie of the year...
James Franco surrender himself to Danny Boyle for the character...
HAT'S OFF to 127 HOURS crew...
A celebration of life...
"There is no force more powerful than the will to live"
A very interesting movie... Kids might enjoy??? That was my doubt.
Good story line...but it's kinda long
Johnny Depp voice please to hear :)